Unfolding the Folds of Breast – World Breastfeeding Week 2021

Fever and Homeopathy
Fever is defined as elevation in body temperature or a high body temperature. It is one the important clinical indicator of disease in the human body. It is also called pyrexia and it usually indicates that our body is working hard to keep it healthy from the various infections. Fever is just one part of an illness.
Hypothalamus, part of the brain is responsible for controlling the body temperature.
Fever is a clinical condition which is caused due to variety of factors. Some of the common causes are as follows:-
- Infections- most common cause. It can be bacterial, viral, protozoan.
- Inflammatory conditions- like rheumatoid arthritis
- Heat exhaustion
- Trauma
- COVID-19
- Bad effects of vaccines and immunization
- Autoimmune conditions like lupus and inflammatory bowel disease (IBS)
- Side effects of certain medications
- Hormonal disorders
Three major sites are used for recording the body temperature. These are Rectal, Oral and Axillary. Out of these axillary temperatures are most convenient to take.
Normal body temperature is in the range of 36.5- 37.5 degree C (97.7-99.5 degree F)
World Health Organization (WHO) and Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), defines rectal temperature of more than or equal to 38 degree C (100.4-degree F) or axillary temperatures of more than or equal to 37.5 degree C (99.5-degree F) are indicative of fever in both adults and children.
On the basis of duration, fever can be classified into:-
- ACUTE FEVER– this type of fever lasts for less than 7 days in duration. These are characteristics of infectious disease such as malaria, and viral related upper respiratory tract infection.
- SUB ACUTE FEVER– this type last for not more than 2 weeks in duration. Typhoid fever is classical example of this.
- CHRONIC OR PERSISTENT FEVER: – this fever last for more than 2 weeks in duration. Tuberculosis, viral infections like HIV, cancer, connective tissue disorders have such type of fever.
Three major types of fever have been described. These are:-
- CONTINOUS OR SUSTAINED FEVER: – this is defined as fever that does not fluctuate more than about 1 degree C (1.5-degree F) during 24 hours, but at no time touches normal. Such type of fever are characteristics of lobar and gram –negative pneumonia, typhoid, acute bacterial meningitis, urinary tract infection, etc.
- INTERMITTENT FEVER: – this is defined as fever present only for several hours during the day. Such type of fever can be seen in malaria, pyogenic infections, tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, lymphomas, kala-azar, septicemia etc.
- REMITTENT FEVER: – this is defined as fever with daily fluctuations exceeding 2 degree C but at no time touches normal. These are often associated with infectious diseases such as infective endocarditis, brucellosis, rickettsia infections.
- FEVER OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN– this is defined as an illness of more than or equal to 3 weeks duration with fever of more than 38.3 degree C(101 degree F) on at least two occasions with exclusion of immunocompromised patients.
- Temperature greater than 100.4 F (38 degree C) in adults and children.
- Rapid heart beat
- Soreness of eyes
- Headache
- Body ache
- Shivering, shaking and chills
- Intermittent sweats or excessive sweating
- Flushing of skin or hot skin
- Weakness
- Feeling faint or dizzy.
- Anorexia or Loss of appetite
- Sore throat
- Vomiting
- Inability to concentrate
- Vertigo
- Confusion and hallucinations (with high fever)
- Drink plenty of water and juice to keep the body hydrated.
- Maintain hygiene
- Proper rest is mandatory.
- Keep yourself cool with light clothing.
- Fever of 104 degree F (40 degree C) or higher may be dangerous and required immediate medical attention.
Fever is not a disease but it is one of the important manifestations of several diseases. If we look back into the causes, we will find so many factors were responsible for the occurrence of fever. We usually think that fever is the manifestation of body due to weak immunity in response to pathogens but this is not always true.
“SUPPRESSION OF ANGER” & “FEAR” are the major contributor for its occurance. This usually seen in case of children, who when get scolded, was not able to express itself due to fear and sulks alone and then fall ill.
In case of adults, suppression can leads to devasting. It not only lower the vitality and causes fever but also responsible for the development of various psychosomatic ailments.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is based on the concept of “individualization”. The selection of homeopathic medicine is based on the theory of individualization and symptom similarity by using holistic approach. The aim of homeopathic treatment is not only to control the fever but to also look the underlying cause and individual susceptibility.
Homeopathic offers lots of well proved medicines for fever with different causation and modalities that can be selected for different case.
Some of the well known fever remedies are discussed below with their indications:-
- Aconite– fever with dry and hot skin, face red or pale or alternatively. Burning thirst for large quantities of cold water with intense nervous restlessness. Cold stage most marked. Cold sweat and icy coldness of face.
- Arsenic album– indicated for high fever, septic fever, intermittent fever. Periodicity is well marked. Restlessness. Cold sweat with delirium worse after midnight.
- Baptisia tinctoria– indicated for typhoid with chill, rheumatic pains and soreness all over. Chill about 11 am.
- Belladonna– indicated for high fever with hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotid, excited mental state and dry perspiration only on head.
- Bryonia alba– indicated for fever with pulse full, hard, tense and quick. Chill with external coldness, dry cough, stitching pain in the chest. Profuse perspiration. Mucus membranes are dry with excessive thirst and bitter taste in the mouth.
- Calacrea carb: – indicated for fever with sweat, chill at 2 pm, begins internally in stomach region. Pulse full and frequent. Night sweats, especially on head, neck and chest. Sweat over head in children, so that pillow becomes wet.
- China officinalis: – indicated for intermittent fever, paroxysms return every week. All stage of fever well marked. Perspiration caused by every little exertion. Debilitating night sweats. Chill generally in forenoon, commencing in breast, thirst before chill. Periodicity is most marked.
- Ferrum phos:- indicated for first stage of all febrile disturbances and inflammations before exuadation sets in. All catarrhal and inflammatory fever. Chill daily at 1 pm.
- Gelsemium:- indicated for fever with dizziness, drowsiness, dullness and trembling. Pulse slow, full, soft, compressible. Chilliness up and down back. Heat and sweat stages, long and exhausting. Chill without thirst, along spine, wave like. Muscular soreness.
- Nux vomica:- indicated for fever with cold stage predominates. Paroxysms anticipate in morning. Excessive rigor, with blueness of finger nails. Aching in limbs and back, and gastric symptoms. Chilly, must be covered in every stage of fever. Perspiration sour, only one side of body. Chilliness on being uncovered, yet he does not allow being covered. Dry heat of the body.
- Pulsatilla:- indicated for fever with chill about 4 pm. Chilliness , even in warm room, without thirst. Chilly with pains worse in evening. Intolerable burning heat at night with distended veins, heat in parts of body, coldness in other. One sided sweat, pains during sweat. External heat is intolerable, veins are distended.
- Sulphur:- indicated for fever with dry skin and great thirst. Night sweat, on nape and occiput. Perspiration of single parts. Aversion to being washed. Discharge are very offensive.
- Harrison’s Principles Of Internal Medicine, 19th Edition
- Boericke’s New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory
- German New Medicines: fever
- www.webmed.com
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