Homeopathy – A Boon for Teenage

Homeopathy – A Boon for Teenage

Adolescent is a link to the Childhood & Adulthood. Though these years are full of dreams,expectations, excitement & ambition yet it also brings with challenges, responsibilities, conflict & stress. It’s a time when they are constantly with worries of the future & mistakes of the past.

Main problems a teenager experience during this phase are:

– Mood swings

– Anxiety disorder

– Feeling low & tired

– Stress

– Lack of concentration

– Eating disorders

– Acne, Pimples

– Weight issues

– Migraine etc.

According to studies 32% teenagers suffer from anxiety, phobia & panic disorders.

Due to fast lifestyle, overexposure to social media & constant pressure to perform well sometimes makes the young one to become listless, apathetic & irritable. They find everything boring & annoying.

These problems if not addressed in time it will sometimes lead to poor self-image, depression, addiction & even self-injury.

All these problems can be solved in a gentle way with Homeopathic remedies.

It is truly said that ” when you feel well, you heal well”. Homeopathy can help teenager to feel more

centered, calm, relax, empathic & regulated in their emotions.

The mind-body connection lies at the very heart of the Homeopathic approach.

“Where mind is at balance, body follows”.

Rightly selected constitutional Homeopathic remedy naturally facilitate the body’s ability to restore itself to health & well-being by stimulating inbuilt healing system & balancing hormones.

So, Homeopathy is the safe, economical & scientific way to treat the teenage problems in a gentle way.

I would like to conclude with master Hahnemann’s words in aphorism 230 – organon of Medicine:

“I can confidently assert, from great experience, that the vast superiority of the homoeopathic system over all other conceivable methods of the treatment is nowhere displayed in a more triumphant light than in mental and emotional diseases of long standing, which originally sprang from corporeal maladies or were developed simultaneously with them.”

Thus, wholistic Homeopathic treatment with counselling can help the teenagers to Excel & enjoys the years with health & happiness.

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Note: The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views held by The Homeopath, its creators or employees. The Homeopath is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by guest bloggers.

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  • The line, embedded ceremoniously & subtle…well written.👍🏻

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  • Good one.
    It really helped a lot.
    So glad that I found it here.
    I enjoyed and learned from it.

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  • Very well description of teenage problems.
    Mind body connection is well correlated.
    Very informative.

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  • Wonderful article exploring the potential of the homoeopathy…Constitutional remedies based on core genetics and epigenetic factors can heal the souls.

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